• Friday, 25 October 2024

Election silence to begin Monday midnight ahead of May 8 presidential and parliamentary vote 

Election silence to begin Monday midnight ahead of May 8 presidential and parliamentary vote 

Skopje, 6 May 2024 (MIA) - Monday is the last day of the election campaign ahead of the second round of North Macedonia’s seventh presidential elections and eleventh parliamentary elections to be held on May 8. Election silence is set to begin Monday midnight and remain in place until the closing of ballots at 7pm on May 8.

The campaign for the second round of the presidential elections began immediately after the first round of the elections on April 24, while the 10-day campaign for the parliamentary elections officially kicked off on April 18.

In the second round of the presidential elections voters will be able to choose between two candidates – Gordana Siljanovska-Davkova, the candidate backed by VMRO-DPMNE and its coalition, who won 363.085 votes in the first round, and SDSM-endorsed Stevo Pendarovski who won 180.499 votes on April 24. 

Кандидатката на ВМРО-ДПМНЕ за претседател Гордана Силјановска Давкова најавува дека како иден шеф на државата ќе го искористи механизмот на помилување на осудените за настаните во Собранието

At the parliamentary elections, there are 17 lists of MP candidates on the ballot – the SDSM-led “Coalition for European Future”; VMRO-DPMNE-led “Your Macedonia” coalition; GROM-led “Brave for Macedonia” coalition; DUI’s “European Front”; Levica; “Worth It” coalition; ZNAM Movement; Edinstvena Makedonija; Nova Alternativa; AVAJA; European Citizens' Movement; Makedonska Era Treta; Tvoja; Rodina Makedonija; Desna; Demokrati; and Workers’ Party.

In the second round of the presidential elections on May 8, there will be 1.814.317 eligible voters, while 1.815.350 citizens can vote in the parliamentary elections on the same day. The difference of 1033 voters is mainly due to citizens who are coming of age.

The vote will be held in 3480 polling stations. Voters will be allowed to enter a polling station and vote only once during the day.  

A day before the vote, on Tuesday, the first to vote at the elections will be the infirm, inmates, persons in retirement homes, as well as nationals registered to vote in the diaspora who are only eligible to vote in the presidential elections

The coalitions and parties will hold their last rallies on Monday. The “Worth It” coalition has officially announced its final rally to be held in Tetovo; Levica will meet with citizens in Skopje; VMRO-DPMNE will hold rallies in Krivogashtani, Krushevo and Prilep; and the ZNAM Movement will hold two press conferences.