• Friday, 21 February 2025

Construction of interconnector with Albania underway, new connection with Greece also planned

Construction of interconnector with Albania underway, new connection with Greece also planned

Skopje, 23 January 2024 (MIA) - Economy Minister Kreshnik Bekteshi believes it is possible for the country to be the first in the region in terms of investments in battery systems for storing electricity. He told a panel within Tuesday's "A Year of European Opportunities" conference that such investments are foreseen by the law on renewable energy sources. 


In addition, Bekteshi said that the construction of a new interconnector with Albania is underway, and a new connection with Greece, Bitola - Evzoni, is planned, so that in the months when the country has a surplus of electricity production, it will export to Albania and Greece which, as tourist places, especially from May to October, need more electricity. Thus, he noted, we will also become exporters.


Ky vit është shumë i rëndësishëm për ne, pasi, nga pavarësimi i shtetit e deri sot, për hetë të parë do të jemi tërësisht të pavarur nga pjesa lindore lidhur me furnizimin e energjensave, pos


"The first public debate on the law has already been held. There are comments from the private sector and institutions. One of the main things in the law is the storage of electricity through battery systems. I think we will be the first in the region to start such investments. It will be based on the principle of competitiveness, and private companies will be able to make such investments. The principle of competition is foreseen in the construction of photovoltaic power plants and other types of renewable sources," said Bekteshi, urging all interested parties to participate in the public debates and give comments that will be considered, with the best recommendations to be accepted and forwarded to the MPs for a vote as soon as possible. 


Photo: MIA archive and print screen