• Monday, 08 July 2024

Bytyqi - Dörr-Voß: Germany’s support for economic reforms crucial for North Macedonia

Bytyqi - Dörr-Voß: Germany’s support for economic reforms crucial for North Macedonia
Skopje, 20 September 2021 (MIA) – Deputy PM for Economic Affairs Fatmir Bytyqi held a working meeting on Monday with State Secretary at Germany’s Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, Claudia Dörr-Voß, during which they discussed economic cooperation between North Macedonia and Germany. Deputy PM Bytyqi, who is paying a working visit to Berlin, stressed at the meeting that Germany’s support for economic reforms is crucial for North Macedonia. Bytyqi, his office said in a press release, also underlined high level of economic cooperation between North Macedonia and Germany. “Germany is North Macedonia’s top trade partner, as a result of the significant number of direct investments from German companies. Interlocutors also stressed the near-shoring process, which entails the move of the production processes of companies from developed countries from the Far East to their vicinity, adding that North Macedonia is one of the destinations for this production transfer,” the press release read. Moreover, Deputy PM Bytyqi presented at the meeting the steps North Macedonia has taken to develop the national development strategy for the next 20 years, set to cover all aspects of society and ensure sustainable economic growth. Bytyqi and Dörr-Voß highlighted energy, industry, environmental protection and economic reforms as areas in which cooperation can further enhance. They concluded that one way to directly assist investors, especially those in the manufacturing industry, is through the changes to the customs tariff and its harmonization with EU customs rates.