• Monday, 23 September 2024

Bellen: Don't lose sight of the goal, Austria a reliable partner on EU path

Bellen: Don't lose sight of the goal, Austria a reliable partner on EU path

Skopje, 29 March 2023 (MIA) - Don't lose sight of the goal, let's work together for sooner accession of North Macedonia in the EU. Austria remains your reliable partner, Austrian President Alexander Van der Bellen told a joint press conference with his host, President Stevo Pendarovski, on Wednesday. 


"You're on the right track and Austria will fully support you. We are convinced that you will succeed in making the change to the Constitution and continue on your path to the EU. Austria will fully support you on that path," said Bellen. 


He stressed that the Ohrid Framework Agreement makes the country an example in the region in terms of ethnic and religious coexistence, and in order to continue the enlargement process, it would be necessary to change the Constitution. In Austria, he added, they know that changing the Constitution is something that politically causes tensions, but it is necessary to look forward, to work towards a common European future.


"We know that your path to the EU is difficult, frustration with the length of the process is understandable, but please don't lose sight of the goal. Croatia has shown that accession is possible when all significant political forces are pulling in the same direction. Let's work together for the sooner accession of North Macedonia. I can assure you that Austria will be there for you as a reliable partner in the future as well," Van der Bellen said. 


In response to a reporter's question regarding support to the constitutional amendments, he pointed out that he will give a speech in the Parliament and ask all parliamentary groups to think about what is otherwise put at risk. "Don't dramatize this step," said Bellen. 


President Pendarovski stressed that the Ukrainian crisis can encourage the region's integration into the EU, and as a proven friend, Austria is pushing the EU enlargement policy. 


"As a proven friend of the region, Austria has a significant role in pushing the policy of enlargement of the European Union with the Western Balkan countries, and in that regard, the Austrian President's visit also indicates the importance of our European integration," said Pendarovski.  


The two agreed that in the absence of a clear European perspective, Euroscepticism will continue to grow and will certainly be a signal for some other forces working against European values.


Talks also focused on intensifying economic cooperation.


Pendarovski pointed out that Austria is a significant trading partner of the country and the first foreign investor with total investments of close to EUR 1 billion, and a presence of 54 active Austrian companies on the Macedonian market.


"In that context, we welcome and support the activities of the Macedonian-Austrian business association. It is a common geostrategic interest that the south-east of Europe is democratic and developed in order to be a bridge for economic exchange with the growing markets of Asia," Pendarovski said. 


Van der Bellen stressed that Austrian investments are the most numerous in the country, and the fact that representatives of 25 Austrian companies joined him on his trip shows the interest in further promotion of economic cooperation. 


Next year marks the 30th anniversary since the establishment of diplomatic relations, which is seen as another opportunity to reaffirm Macedonian-Austrian friendship and cooperation.