• Wednesday, 02 October 2024

Average active transparency of institutions at 73% in 2022

Average active transparency of institutions at 73% in 2022
Skopje, 18 August 2022 (MIA) – The average active transparency of the ministries, the Government and municipalities is 73% in 2022, a 10% jump in regards to last year, according to the latest institutional ranking according to the Public Transparency Index, i.e., the proactive publication of information of public character of the Center for Public Communications. The ranking is published once a year since 2016 and it encompasses 98 institutions – the Government, all ministries and municipalities. A remarkable 81% of institutions have improved their active transparency. The active transparency of the ministries and Government is 85% and 70% for the municipalities. The ministries improved by 6% in comparison to last year, and the municipalities by 10%. The Ministry of Defense and the Government have scored the maximum of 100%, meaning that they publish all active transparency information. Next is the Ministry of Local Self-government with an active transparency of 95.5%, then the Ministry of Finance with 94.4%, the Ministry of Interior, the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning, the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Science and Education with 91.7% active transparency, lastly followed by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy with 91.3%. The Ministry of Political Systems and Intercommunity Relations and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs have the lowest active transparency, 54.3% and 60.9% respectively. Next is the Ministry of Transport and Communications – 75%, the Ministry of Culture – 77.1%, the Ministry of Economy – 81.3%, the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy – 83.3% and the Ministry of Information Society and Administration with an active transparency of 89.6%. The municipalities of Bitola, Valandovo and Karposh have the highest active transparency indexes of 97%, and the municipalities of Arachinovo and Zelenikovo have the lowest active transparency indexes of 8.7% and 17.4% respectively. The southeast region has an average of 84% active transparency, putting it in first place, and the Skopje region remains last with 56%. The municipalities and ministries publish the least amount of information regarding finance, only 56% out of 100 in municipalities and 82% out of 100 in ministries. The Center for Civil Communications said that the municipalities took 12 days on average to respond to their requests for free access to information of public character, which is an improvement from last year’s 17 days. The Ministries took 16 days on average, the same as last year. 93% of institutions responded within the max legal deadline of 20 days. dk/ba/