• Sunday, 23 February 2025

Ante's Gold Book awarded to Vlada Uroshevikj

Ante's Gold Book awarded to Vlada Uroshevikj
Skopje, 2 September 2021 (MIA) – Macedonian poet, novelist, translator and literary critic Vlada Uroshevikj has been given the Anteva Zlatna Kniga [Ante’s Golden Book] award for his literary accomplishments in the interest of Macedonian literature, culture and identity, according to organizers. The lifetime achievement prize was established in 2020, when it was given for the first time to Macedonian poet Mihail Rendzhov. The award is a leather-bound book of poems by Ante Popovski in his own handwriting. It was founded by organizers of the Antevo Pero [Ante’s Quill] poetry competition, held in memory of Popovski every year. Organizers note Uroshevikj has set high standards in Macedonian literature, "having drawn contours in poetry, prose and essays that have not been surpassed." “Uroshevikj is a key figure, without which the modernity and post-modernity of Macedonian poetry cannot be imagined, especially through his interest in overall worldly poetic experiences, from symbolism to surrealism and the avant garde. Without him, Macedonian poetry loses its cosmic dimension and the connection to the European poetic sensibility,” the Antevo Pero team says in a press release. dk/mr/