• Sunday, 19 January 2025

Alternativa goes in opposition, will support constitutional changes

Alternativa goes in opposition, will support constitutional changes

Tetovo, 12 February 2023 (MIA) - The three Alternativa MPs will go into opposition, their officials will leave the posts but the party will support the constitutional changes, decided the party's top body on Sunday.

Alternativa leader Afrim Gashi said their Government partners crossed the final line of ethics and did not have the patience to wait for the session of the party's Central Assembly.

Најтесното партиско раководство на Алтернaтивa попладне во 16 часот ја започна седницата на највисокото тело Централно собрание со цел да оформири став околу одлуката дали и понатаму да биде

"In January 2022, North Macedonia was at a crossroads on its EU path. At that time, we took the most courageous decision that makes us proud even today, which I believe is appreciated by our voters, citizens and western allies. We ensured stabilization of the Government and the country, resulting in the official opening of the EU accession negotiations in July," said Gashi after the Central Assembly session.

After a year in office, they are leaving dozens of successful projects in the fields of health, digitization, energy, social, cultural and educational issues, and no corruption affairs.

"I believe this move by SDSM will endanger the country's European prospects and produce an imbalance in interethnic relations, while giving impetus to anti-EU parties. We worked together on the relaxation of interethnic relations and I believe this move will cause tensions, especially between the ethnic Macedonian and Albanian communities," said Gashi.

He added they signed and released a political agreement with the former SDSM leader, which has been implemented by Alternativa but unfortunately not entirely by the other side.

"They unilaterally, almost brutally, cancelled the agreement and decided to take a different path by including another party in the parliamentary majority. This speaks a lot, in negative terms, about them as a party that does not care about agreements and those who saved their lives. This is also a bad thing for the country that aspires to European values," noted Gashi.