• Sunday, 29 September 2024

Abazović at PFD: Montenegro and Western Balkan countries need support to improve infrastructure 

Abazović at PFD: Montenegro and Western Balkan countries need support to improve infrastructure 

Struga, 16 June 2023 (MIA) – At the session “Genuine Regional Cooperation Keeps the Boat Steady” at the Prespa Forum Dialogue in Struga, Montenegrin Prime Minister Dritan Abazović assessed that the improvement of traffic infrastructure and regional connectivity of the Western Balkan countries is one of the key prerequisites for faster economic growth and economic standards in the region.


“We cannot have results in the economy if first we don’t have peace, stability and trust between the Western Balkan countries, reconciliation, more mobility of the people, and after that stronger institutions and rule of law. We need more flexibility in the borders, we are a country with 25 percent of our GDP from tourism. Before we go to the EU, our behavior should start to be more tolerant. We have 70 regional initiatives and they’re just a tool to come to the goal, and we need to support every initiative that can make people’s lives easier,” said Abazović.


The Montenegrin Prime Minister stressed that the EU should understand if they want to have greater impact, there has to be greater investment in the region, more concrete projects and infrastructure that will improve the economy.


When asked if the Berlin Process is the appropriate framework for the region to tackle its challenges. Abazović assessed that it is moving very slowly, even though certain improvements have taken place. He added that in order to improve the infrastructure in all countries of the region, a quicker implementation of projects is necessary, noting that the Western Balkan fund is also insufficiently utilized.


Photo: MIA