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2023 MoI budget up by six percent at EUR 182.7 million

2023 MoI budget up by six percent at EUR 182.7 million

Skopje, 15 December 2022 (MIA) – The 2023 draft budget of the Ministry of Interior (MoI) is up by six percent and stands at EUR 182.7 million. The main goal of the 2023 draft budget is to ensure further systemic reform of the police, by establishing the principles of the rule of law in the sphere of security, as one of the crucial factors for the country’s prosperity, Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski and Interior Minister Oliver Spasovski told a press conference on Thursday. 

According to PM Kovachevski, the foundation of the country’s security system is a well-prepared and well-equipped police force, and that is why the Government is increasing MoI’s budget in 2023.  

“The Government is creating an efficient, responsible and modern police force, guardian of law and order, guardian of democracy. That’s why even in the year ahead of us, regardless of the challenges imposed by the energy and economic crisis, we won’t stop regular payment of salaries and bonus pay to police officers, with the purchase of new equipment, new means of work,” said the PM.  

Kovachevski noted that investments in renovation and reconstruction of the facilities where police officers and other MoI services work will continue. He mentioned that on three occasions so far, the Government has increased the salaries of all MoI employees by five percent, and in addition to the regular payment of salaries, allowances are also paid regularly.  

According to Kovachevski, the draft budget includes an item for bonus pay in 2023 with more than 150 hours of overtime work per year.  

“The Government resolved a major issue causing damage both to the budget and to police officers. Police officers had not received bonus pay for years, regarding which they rightfully filed lawsuits to exercise their rights, and the state paid compensation from the budget. That’s why the SDSM-led Government changed such inappropriate practice. Outstanding bonuses have been paid and we continue to pay them regularly for 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021,” Kovachevski said.  

Funds have been allocated in the 2023 draft budget of MoI for training and education of police officers and professional development in the country and abroad for even better and more successful results in work. Funds are also planned for the purchase of new uniforms for the new cadets for police officers.  

“Funds are also planned for the purchase of a new state-of-the-art system for the identification of papillary ridges of fingers and palms, which will increase the efficiency of the forensics department, digitalization of forensics, upgrading of security systems including preventive action to maintain public order and peace in the country, as well as to protect the life and personal security of citizens’ property. All of this will affect the reduction of criminality and the increase of efficiency in the investigations, but it will also mean a modern, equipped, professional and efficient police force,” said Kovachevski.  

Kovachevski mentioned, among other, that so far 78 facilities have been reconstructed, most of which are energy efficient, adding that reconstruction will continue.  

“The draft budget is an indicator that we can and we must step up our efforts to more dynamically reform the ministry and make it fully aligned with the standards and norms of modern and high-quality European and global police practices,” said Interior Minister Spasovski. 

Through the implementation of the projected budget of MoI, we have two basic goals, Spasovski stressed, the first of which is the continuation of the established concept: the police as service to the citizens.  

“Our goal is to deepen the partnership between citizens and police officers that will continue to produce even more effective results for safety and security, maintaining public order and peace, as well as for the protection of citizens’ material assets. As part of the projects to directly benefit the community is the continuation of the project on the reconstruction and construction of police stations, which have so far covered an enviable number of 78 completely reconstructed buildings, most of them energy efficient, towards energy savings and environmental preservation,” Spasovski said.  

He noted that very soon the new building of the Forensic Center will be launched, as the most state-of-the-art laboratory in the Balkans. 

“The draft budget is designed to enable continuation of the upgrade of the video surveillance systems available to the Ministry of Interior (SafeCity). Thus, in addition to the already modernized video surveillance of the facilities of the Ministry of Interior, we will provide a complete system of modern and functional technical solutions, which significantly facilitates the procedure in policing, increases the degree of general security in the country, reduces crime and speeds up the real-time response procedure,” said Spasovski.  

In order to increase the effectiveness of the services, purchase is planned of nine vehicles for the needs of the Department for Security of People and Buildings, as well as 20 intervention vans for the needs of the Uniformed Police. According to the Interior Minister, this completes the capital expenditures planned in the budget for 2023.  

The second basic goal of this development budget is the continuation of the established commitment to create a modern, equipped, professional, efficient, and satisfied police force. A police force, Spasovski said, which will continue to decisively and indiscriminately deal with organized crime and corruption in a legal, professional, transparent and responsible manner, and will successfully work on the prevention of all criminogenic and other unconstitutional actions.  

In addition, in the section of goods and services, the 2023 draft budget of MoI provides for completing the modernization of the fleet of the Helicopter Unit for police purposes.  

The country’s international activities in the recent period, and particularly North Macedonia being selected to host the 50th European Regional Interpol Conference in 2023, Spasovski pointed out, “confirm the fact that in a relatively short period of time we managed to place our country high on the agenda of many European and, in general, international organizations and politicians.”