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Pirc Musar: Constitutional changes a prerequisite for next stage of Euro-integration, domestic political consensus needed

Pirc Musar: Constitutional changes a prerequisite for next stage of Euro-integration, domestic political consensus needed

Skopje, 17 February 2023 (MIA) - Adopting the constitutional changes is a prerequisite for North Macedonia to continue in the next stage of the Euro-integration process, and this requires domestic political and inter-party consensus, Slovenian President Nataša Pirc Musar told Parliament Speaker Talat Xhaferi, who is paying an official visit to Ljubljana.

Speaker Xhaferi urged for guarantees by the EU member-states that once the constitutional changes are adopted, membership negotiations will be conducted in line with criteria that were valid for previous candidate-states and by respecting the generally accepted European values that the Union is founded on, the Parliament said in a press release.

President Pirc Musar, who was recently elected to the post, said one of her priorities is continuation of the Brdo-Brijuni Process, especially because of the Western Balkans perspective as an important strategic decision for the security, stability and future of the Union.

In this context, a certain change of the approach is being proposed, through the involvement of young people in increased regional integration and cooperation, which would contribute to overcoming nationalism, prejudice, populism, but also due to their significant emigration over the past decade.

Xhaferi congratulated Pirc Musar on her election and expressed support for the initiated proposals, noting that prevention of the brain drain from the region, including North Macedonia, requires acceleration of the Euro-integration process through realization of reforms and improvement of the country's economy, new jobs and higher wages, so that young people can stay and contribute at home.

Discussions also tackled latest developments in the relations with Bulgaria, the ongoing screening process and alignment of the national legislation with the EU law.

During the visit, Speaker Xhaferi met with counterpart Urška Klakočar Zupančič, whips in the Slovenian Parliament, as well as members of the committees on EU affairs and foreign policy.