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Kovachevski-Pyatt: US strongly supports regional economic and energy initiatives

Kovachevski-Pyatt: US strongly supports regional economic and energy initiatives
Skopje, 3 May 2022 (MIA) – Regional energy and economic initiatives as well as US support were the focal point of the meeting of Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski with US Ambassador to Greece, Geoffrey Pyatt, and US Ambassador to North Macedonia, Kate Byrnes, ahead of a ceremony marking the start of the construction of a liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal in Alexandroupolis, Greece. Kovachevski thanked the United States for the overall support provided to North Macedonia all the while stressing the significance of the strategic energy projects for the entire region, the government said Tuesday. US Ambassador Pyatt expressed strong commitment to the intensified strategic partnership, to the importance of today’s event marking construction works for the LNG terminal in Alexandroupolis, considered a huge contribution to strengthening regional cooperation and building good neighborly relations. During the meeting, Kovachevski and Pyatt discussed the importance of development of the Alexandroupolis regional energy projects, which paves the way for safe and secure natural gas supply from different suppliers, diversification of sources as well as for the region, including North Macedonia to become energy independent. “Kovachevski during the meeting informed Ambassadors Pyatt and Byrnes about North Macedonia’s current economic processes, the government’s measures taken to cushion the blow from the consequences of the energy crisis, broken out after the Russian invasion of Ukraine, as well as the medium term and long term plans on economic development with a focus on investments in a successful energy transition,” government said in a press release, adding that Greek Energy Minister Kostas Skrekas, Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs Fatmir Bytyqi and Economy Minister Kreshnik Bekteshi also attended the meeting.